Roasted Roses Oil Painting
COZYMATIC partners with talented painting artists to bring you this delicate art collection. Each piece is 100% hand-painted and showcases the beauty of craftsmanship.
Details of the masterpiece are well-captured thanks to the absolute talent of our partnered artist. It breeses your hallway, living room, or bedroom, and upgrades your living environment through this visual joy.
They say that a home is empty without a piece of art. Fill up your home with this one of a kind hand made painting. It is the introduction to our latest line of products; oil paintings! Each product is hand-painted and will resemble the picture with 99% accuracy.
Product Details
- 100% hand painted art
- Includes wooden frame
- Size: 100 x 100 x 14 cm ,60cm x 60cm x14 cm
- Made to order so kindly expect 2 extra weeks on top of standard dispatch time